Barbie @ KFC ٩(×̯×)۶

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Again, what I find fascinating about KFC. My daughter, dhiacoco asked me to take her to KFC today. Of coz not the chicken (finger licking good)  that she like, She want to get the new: Barbie small toy ..microphone pen, piano & the guitar that came along with the meal.. Thanks Chicky Meal. ٩(×̯×)۶.

Barbie microphone at KFC. o(×̯﹏╥)o

Guna gigi bukak. ٩(×̯×)۶

Testing mic. Sambil Sain autograp peminat.

 Kecincirot pon nak testing. ( =’o'= )

 ❤ Terima kasihhhh KFC !!! ❤

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Malaysian Handmade Crafts- The Kawaii Geek. | Credit: Ariane